10 Affordable Valentine’s day ideas

5 min readFeb 13, 2023


Looking for nice, fun yet affordable Valentine’s day ideas?

Check out some fun ideas you can try this Valentine’s to wow your loved one.

While it’s not a public holiday, there’s a lot that goes into Valentine’s day for most people. Planning for this special day often starts at the beginning of the new year when trips and gifts are planned way ahead.

But the best memories and gifts don’t have to be super expensive.

A good combo of affordability and thoughtfulness might just be the secret sauce to giving that special someone a very memorable Valentine’s. So we’ll be looking at 10 affordable Valentine’s day ideas to get you started.

1. Have Breakfast in Bed

Imagine the sensation of your nose waking up to the soothing smell of fresh toast. Surprising your partner with breakfast in bed is a great way to start Valentine’s day.

It’s romantic, doesn’t have to be expensive and fun for you. Ticks a lot of boxes if you ask me.

2. Netflix and Chill

Going to the movies may mean pricier tickets on Valentine’s day, so an alternative could be to Netflix and chill together at home. You can simply order finger foods or your favourite snacks and see a movie or short series on Netflix while cuddling yourselves to sleep.

3. Go on a picnic

You can almost never go wrong with a picnic, and the best part? You can organize one for cheap according to your budget. All you have to do is pack some food, snacks, and drinks, secure a convenient space in a park or garden, spread your blanket, and have a good time.

4. Play Games

If you want Valentine’s day that is less stressful or you didn’t get the time to plan, you should try playing games. Apart from the popular board games such as scrabble, monopoly, and chess, there are other ones you can try that can be just as interesting.

Games more often have a way of stimulating the mind so this is a plus even as you have fun together. Where board games are not available, video games are a worthy alternative.

5. Volunteer at a local charity

If you have shared interests in a local charity organization, Valentine’s day can be a day to do some volunteer work and share the love with others around.

This is more feasible when you have flexible calendars or work from home.

6. Karaoke Night

Karaoke nights are usually fun-filled that we all have at least one good memory about them. You can visit a karaoke bar or set up one at home with a home karaoke system.

No need to be worried about how you sound, karaoke is something to try out. Sing your favourite songs together, have good laughter, and bond while at it. Some dancing is allowed as well.

7. Make Dinner Together

Restaurants are booked door-to-door on Valentine’s day but you can switch the fancy, elaborate date night for some home cooking. When you make dinner together, it is not only cheaper but worth the while because it gives room for working together on something fun and tasty.

8. Have a Romantic Indoor Dinner

Other than making dinner, you can go the extra mile to wear a dinner outfit, and set the table like a fancy restaurant. Bonus points if you can make it more fun by for example, dressing as a server and setting the table before changing outfits.

9. Share Past Memories

Spending Valentine’s day sharing and reliving past moments can create such a bond like how it was in the beginning. There are different ways to do this such as:

  • Look at your old photos
  • Recreate your first date
  • Read old letters
  • Revisit where your ‘firsts’ milestones happened (first met, first kiss, etc)
  • Reminisce on past vacations and the experiences
  • Watch your wedding video (brings all the butterflies back)

10. Little Gifts Counts

You don’t need to spend so much to reassure your significant order of your love. Chances are that your loved one’s love language is receiving gifts or maybe not but gifts hardly ever go wrong.

Even if you are trying to cut down costs, there is a gift for your budget. When it comes to love, it’s the thought that matters. So get that single rose for your loved one, a bento cake, some custom-made cheap jewelry, or perfume and this could mean a lot.

Valentine’s day is more about how you feel about and need each other than the fancy dates or vacations in luxury cities and hotels. So if you are on a budget, there are little ways to make your loved one feel special and make your bond stronger.

I hope you found these 10 affordable Valentine’s day ideas useful.

Have more ideas? Share it in the comment section below




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