Beating stress and anxiety during the Christmas season

4 min readDec 15, 2022


It’s almost contradictory to think holidays and stress can go together. But this is often the case for many people during and after Christmas. It’s not how it is for kids, who are just concerned with the gifts they receive and the parties they attend — nothing more, nothing less. With time, the responsibilities start to creep in.

Nowadays, there are a thousand and one things to do for Christmas. Almost all of them involve some form of spending.Aside from financial obligations, there are several activities such as end-of-year parties, religious programs, music shows, and children’s parties. you have to be a part of in some form, if you are a parent or guardian. If you’re traveling home; there’s shopping, cooking, and family meetings all needing your attention.

More people than you might believe are affected by mental health issues during the christmas. According to a YouGov poll, a quarter of respondents claim Christmas makes their mental health worse, while the Mental Health Foundation survey suggests that 54% of people are concerned about the mental health of someone they know over Christmas.

Enjoying the best of the season can easily affect our stress/anxiety levels. It doesn’t have to be so. There are some simple ways you can help beat stress anxiety this Christmas.

Learn to say ‘no’

Here’s a challenge this Christmas: say no to some activities. Respectfully of course. You’re not doing this out of spite but after consideration of the limited time/resources at your disposal. It’s a holiday doesn’t mean you’ll stretch yourself to the limits.

You might need to explain (where necessary) why you’ve said ‘no’. People are often startled at first, especially in our African culture, but most come to respect you for it.

Have a budget, prioritize your spending

I know you mean good and would like to buy a gift for family, friends, and neighbors. You’ve also planned other acts of kindness. However, don’t forget your other financial obligations. Decembers are full of many end-of-year party dues and contributions.

If it means dropping some parties due to the cost or reducing the amount spent on gifts, do it. The world will still be here after December 31st. In any case, if you need urgent funds to cater for unplanned expenses during this season, you can access your earned wage without interest on Mkobobank. Click here to get early access.

Seek help or delegate

A lot goes into shopping, decorating, and cooking for Christmas. Seek help or delegate as much as possible. If you are expecting guest who might stay for an extra day or for the weekend co-opt them to help with the cooking this Christmas.

If you’re getting overwhelmed, you can confide in your spouse, parents, or anyone close to you. Sharing how you feel can be therapeutic.

Reward yourself

Buy yourself something this Christmas. Book a spa session, go to the movies, or sit outdoors. Some self-appreciation can be just what your body needs.

Have fun and laugh

What’s Christmas without some fun and laughter?

Have some personal time

The Christmas season involves meeting a lot of family and friends, some of who we haven’t seen in a long time. So this excitement makes us ignore having some personal time away. For parents, you can send the kids to mama at home and have some time for yourselves.

Get enough sleep

If you’ve been starving yourself of good sleep all year, this might be a good time to reward your body. Sleeping does a lot of good for your stress levels. Put away the phone screens, cozy up under the duvet, and sleep to your fill. Your body will thank you.

Eat healthy, drink lots of water, and exercise

It’s easy to fall into the trap of overeating during Christmas. Every home cooks more than enough and there’s a large variety of food available. It’ll do your stress levels well to eat healthily, drink lots of water and get some exercise. Some people fall into the trap of stress-eating, eating to combat stress, and eating more than needed.

You’re responsible for taking care of your body so eat right, drink water, and exercise.

In conclusion, Christmas is a time of love and laughter, if you are concerned about the mental health of yourself or someone you love this Christmas, this article can assist you in putting actions in place to manage it, while allowing you to appreciate the brighter side of the holiday season.

Please share in the comments what has helped you handle stress during the christmas in the past.




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